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About Us
Mission Statement
Provide excellent public service for our community through technical and tactical proficiency, compassion, and integrity.
Vision Statement
Cultivate a culture of C.A.R.E. through
professionalism, empowerment, innovation, and diversity.
C - Courage A - Accountability R - Respect E - Excellence

The Purpose of the North River Fire District is to Serve, Protect & Educate the Public.
The Fire District Provides Fire & Rescue Services to the Public within its Boundaries.
The North River Fire District encompasses 82 square miles among which lie the communities of Ellenton, Gillette, Memphis, Palmetto, Parrish, Palm View, Piney Point, Rubonia, Snead Island and Terra Ceia. North River was formed in 1988 when the Ellenton Fire Control District and the Palmetto Fire Control District merged.
Registered Agent:
Joseph Sicking, Fire Chief
Funding Sources for the District are Fire Assessments, User Fees, and Impact Fees.
Fire Assessments are levied on a calendar year basis
(January 1 - December 31st).
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