Ad Valorem
Important things to know about your fire assessment:
☑️ The fire assessment is the District's primary source of revenue.
☑️ The North River Fire District receives no funds from county taxes.
Non-ad valorem assessment rates set by the board may exceed the maximum rates established by the previous year’s resolution or referendum in an amount not to exceed the average annual growth rate in Florida personal income over the previous 5 years.
Please visit the Manatee County Tax Collector website for your official property tax information.
Contact Information
1225 14th Ave. W.
Palmetto, FL 34221
Manatee County Fire Districts
Single Family Home Rate Comparison for 2023
A home with the same taxable value and the same size in each district pays:
Valued at $282,924 with 3,302 square feet
Non-Ad Valorem Ad Valorem Total
Southern Manatee Fire Rescue District $362.84 + $341.23 = $704.06
Cedar Hammock Fire Rescue District $252.69 + $367.80 = $620.49
West Manatee Fire District $514.22 + n/a = $514.22
East Manatee Fire District $231.26 + $240.48 = $471.74
Parrish Fire District $311.62 + n/a = $311.62
Duette Volunteer Fire District $265.71 + n/a = $265.71
North River Fire District $228.85 + n/a = $228.85
Millage Calculator
Please use the millage tax calculator to determine the ad-valorem amount for a parcel.
The calculator will calculate the millage at three of the possible amounts: one mill (1), one-half mill (.5), and three-quarters of a mill (.75). The maximum millage limitation is one mill or $1 per every $1,000 of taxable value.
The calculator shows the 2023 fire assessment for the parcel.
The total amount shows the proposed ad-valorem amount based on 2023 taxable values plus the current amount based on the 2023 fire assessment.
If you have any questions or need assistance using the calculator, please submit the contact form, and we will help you. The calculator does not contain information for parcels exempt by Section 119.071 of Florida Statutes.
To request a neighborhood, HOA, or general presentation on the facts with a question and answer session with Fire Chief Joseph Sicking, please complete the Contact Form.
Don't you get funding from County Impact Fees? NO
The fire district charges its own fees and does not receive any of the county fees. The fire district charges a flat rate of $311.00 for each residential home. This is a one time fee and statutorily has restrictions on use and regulations on increases. These funds cannot be used to sustain district operations.
Don't you get funding from the state, county, or city? NO
North River Fire District is an independent tax district established by Florida Law. Revenue is solely from fire assessments and any increases are statutorily limited. A typical home no matter the square footage pays a flat rate of $228.85.
Ballot Verbiage
Voters Approved Nov. 5, 2024
Shall the North River Fire District ("District") be authorized to levy and collect an annual ad valorem tax on real property in an amount not to exceed 1 mill to provide additional operational revenue to fund the District's fire control and rescue services, infrastructure and facilities, including emergency medical services?
YES-Approve __________
NO-Reject __________